Race Briefing now online: please click Lightning Trail 2019 Brief and read!
Date: Sunday 3rd March 2019.
- 8am – 8.45am Runner Check in
- 8.55am: Runner Briefing
- 9am Race starts
- 10am BBQ starts
- 10.45am Presentation
- 12pm course closes
Long Course: 10km
Short Course: 5km
Start Location: Killara Picnic Area, Murray Valley Hwy, Killara- where the highway crosses the Kiewa River
Course Description:
An out and back course along the lightning fast Kiewa Track. The trail follows the Kiewa River through a shaded sanctuary to a point where it intersects the mighty Murray River. At the 5km mark a stunning view where these rivers collide display a powerful wide berth of water.
Its a flat and fast trail making it a great introduction to the sport of trail running for the local parkrunner and C2C participant. Opportunities also exists for regional talent to test themselves at ferocious pace, in an attempt to claim an off road speed title.
Course Records: None- Caellum Crowe (34.28) and Stacey Loccisano (41:21)
Entries Open Soon