Fast n Furious 5km FUN RUN

Date: Sunday 28 May 2023

Starts: 9am

Start Location:  Norieul Park, Albury

Finish:  Norieul Park, Albury

Distance: 5km

5km Course

5km runners leave Norieul Park and head north to the Kremer Street Boatramp. Runners then return from the Kremer St Boatramp to Norieul Park to a heroes welcome.

Bridge over the Murray River at Albury, NSW. 1989.

Frequently Asked Questions

·         Will there be drink stations on course?

Yes, the 5km has a single aid stations at the Kremur Street Boatramp. Runners pass through this drinks station at 2.5km and 3.5km.

  • 2.5km (Kremur St boatramp)
  • 3.5km (Kremur St boatramp)
  • 10km (FINISH at Norieul Park)

What will the prizes be?

All podium getters and age group winners will be able to draw prizes from a range of sponsors products.

·         Will the prizes be posted out if I am not at presentation?

Sorry, our firm rule is, we DO NOT post prizes out. If you cannot make the presentation please have have a friend collect your prize on your behalf.

·         Will the races be chip timed?

Yes, all races will be timed with electronic chip timing. Tempus Timing is our preferred race timing provider.

·         What will the weather be like on race day?

While we can’t forecast the weather this far out, March climate averages for Albury are for a minimum of 12.4 degrees, maximum (at 3pm) of 27.6 degrees, and there are 4.1 rainy days in the month on average. March is the driest month in Albury.

·         Where can my friends or family spectate?

The majority of the course is easy to access and spectator friendly, but easiest parking can be had at Norieul Park (the hub), Kremur St boatramp.  These locations can be found with Google maps.

·         How do i know the way?

The courses will be marked with regular pink flagging tape, directional arrows attached to fixtures and on the ground, and marshals may be placed at crucial spots. This is not a navigation exercise.

·         What will the aid stations have?

The aid stations will have water, sponsor’s sports drink, and coke to drink. lollies and chopped fruit will also be available.

·         Will I get a medal at the finish?

Yes you will! The medal design will be displayed on the Murray Marathon website and social media closer to race day.

·         Will the aid stations have cut off times?

Yes they will, these will be published closer to time. Cutoffs will be calculated to prevent any runners being on course after the 12pm closure.


·         Each runners official race number must be worn prominently on the front of the body and must be easily visible at all times.

·         Pace runners are not allowed.

·         Runners must follow the marked course at all times, in the correct sequence. Any runner departing from the official course must return to the point of departure on foot before continuing.

·         Each runner must complete the entire course under his own power. No physical or mechanical aids are allowed, with the exception of Walking Poles which are allowed.

·         Except in case of medical emergency, runners may not accept aid or assistance in any form from anyone between checkpoints.

·         Runners may not store supplies of any kind along the course.

·         All cut-off times will be strictly enforced. Runners must be checked OUT of the checkpoint BY the cut-off time. Runners returning to the checkpoint after the cut-off time will be removed from the event.

·         We operate under a strict “leave no trace” policy. Litter and rubbish which is left on the trails will incur both time penalties and possibly disqualification for repeat offenders. Minimum penalty for this offence is 30 minute time penalty.

·         Runners must refrain from any act of bad sportsmanship. Misdirection, physical contact etc is not acceptable and will incur both time penalties and possibly disqualification for repeat offenders.

·         Any runner who is unable to finish the event must personally inform staff at the nearest aid station of his/her decision to withdraw and make sure their race number is recorded. Runners who leave the course without turning in their race number will be classified as “lost,” thereby activating the safety team to look go out on the course and look for them. In the case we are looking for you but you have gone home without notifying us – any costs associated with this will be billed to the runner.Minimum charge is $250.

·         Runners who are asked to leave the course due to not making a time cut off and who do not follow the instruction will be charged a fee for the remaining time they are on the course. This fee is equal to $140 per hour for each staff member allocated to track and care for the runner. With a minimum of two hours. This will be invoiced to the runner after the event.